Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 3

Last time I was at Little Caesars Pizza the person in front of me asked for a crazy crust pizza. Since then I wanted to know what it was so we got one tonight. I was so excited to try it because I was thinking crazy bread as crust amazing!  All they do to make it have crazy crust is smother it in garlic butter and parmesan cheese. Yummy but as you can see in the picture it is very messy and yes very very greasy. I would recommend trying it just make sure to have plenty of napkins on hand!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 2

Today was a very long day at work but, it sure was fun. I taught  Emilee how to knit. I know knitting isn't the coolest thing to do but, it was yet another goal of mine. My cute little Mexican grandma taught me last year. Since then I  have been taking projects to work in case it was slow. Em asked me if I would teach her so today was the day.  She picked it up really fast so we knit and talked most of the night. I don't know if it was just the day but our conversations were super random.  Just a little bit of what we talked about " the world is like a big game of Sims," "I'm ancient...I'm already half way to fifty,"" what? that's  how my husband proposed. Crazy how similar they really are." It was a slow night so when clients did come in and saw two girls knitting  I bet they thought it was a little strange. What can I say we are just cool like that!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 1

Today we cleaned the house. Everywhere I went Bella was right behind. It was like she knew I would be taking her to the vet later. I always feel so bad having to take her but it must be done. She had to get shots and her blood drawn. It so happened to be in the same leg. What a sad little girl. After the vet visit we visited family. She was so pooped out she didn't move from this spot for three and a half hours. Such a sad day.